The Rogue (liar Club, book 5) (by Celeste Bradley)  

Product description: legendary game of Ethan Damont skills earned him a place in the most exclusive houses of London gambling tables. He used his dubious place in society using the liar Club the. But his last favor to the group filed not only endangers the life - he threw him with the woman trying to him to renounce his libertine ways. Lady Jane Pennington is the beautiful niece of alleged traitor. Now it is the work of Ethan to find out if the woman he finds irresistible is naive of the deception of his uncle - or guilty of treason against the Crown...Jane can barely wait for the season to end - until she met Ethan Damont. After a humiliating meeting first, Jane expects a scoundrel as Ethan joke at his expense. Instead, it behaves like a perfect gentleman. But just as Jane found overcome by its desire to Ethan, he takes her captive. Suddenly, it is taken in a dangerous world where it is impossible to know who is the friend - and that is the enemy. Ethan will be its cancellation... or love, it has always aspire to? To learn more...

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