Faute de contrôle de vol tolérant : Un référence défi (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences) (par Christopher Edwards, Thomas Lombaerts, Hafid Smaili)  

The European mechanical flight Action Group FM - AG (16) fault tolerant control, created in 2004 and concluded in 2008, represents a collaboration involving 13 partners European industry, universities and research institutions under the auspices of the Group of aeronautical research and technology in Europe (GARTEUR) program. The book consists of five parts. Part I contains the introduction and motivation of this research project and an overview of the State-of-the-art in fault tolerant Flight Control (FTC). Part II includes the description of the challenge to reference, including details of the reference model and the evaluation criteria used to evaluate the performance of fault-tolerant controllers. Part III covers all the IDE/FTC design different methods that have been applied to the reference model. There are two different methods of assessment for these drawings of FDI/FTC, namely an assessment offline by using the criteria of evaluation of the reference model in Matlab and evaluation online on research Simulator SIMONA in Delft. Offline evaluations are described in the individual in part III chapters, while the latter is treated extensively in part IV, where assessments in real time on research SIMONA Simulator are presented and discussed. Finally part v focuses on a review of the methods applied in industrial perspective with a few concluding remarks. To learn more...

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