I'm afraid I've a confession to make...  

EBOOK TIMES -- News Update: January 26th, 2010
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Hi geographer,

Around this time last year I told you that I was going to focus
entirely on ONE new strategy to bring in visitors. I said I was
going to remain focused on that strategy for a considerable
length of time in order to determine whether it's any good or

So, what strategy did I focus on?


Yep, I decided I was going to dedicate considerable efforts to
determining whether Twitter can REALLY be used to send targeted
visitors to a website.

And now the confession bit...

Despite my initial enthusiasm (because I got a few hundred
followers pretty fast), I quickly lost interest in the whole

Basically, every time I tweeted something, I would get zero, or
one, or two, or (miracle of miracles!) maybe three clicks, and
then... nothing.

Sure, if I had ten times more followers, then 1 or 2 would
become 10 or 20.

But, to be quite frank about it, I couldn't be bothered.

The truth is...

I'm not a big Twitter fan. Not at all. I just don't get it. I
see no value in it at all. I thinks it's something the world
could REALLY live without.


It's there whether we like it or not. And, it would seem, a LOT
of people do like it.


I've decided to give it another go.

I've created a new Twitter account that's focused on promoting
TotalResale.com and other resale rights products. (The account
is at twitter.com/total_resale).

But this time, I'm approaching the task equipped with the proper

And, so far, the results are much more promising.

I've built up quite a lot of followers in a short space of time.
I'm at almost 1,700 and growing pretty fast. And, depending on
what I tweet, I'm getting decent click-thrus (up to 20 or so at
a time).

Now, considering how quick/easy/cheap it is to tweet, getting a
decent -- and ever-increasing -- number of visitors, is suddenly
looking feasible.

I'm still only getting 'warmed up' and I've quite a bit of
learning to do in terms of what to tweet and when to tweet it.

I'm working on learning those things this week.

Unlike last year, (when I just let my efforts fizzle out before
they really got started), this year I AM going to keep you
informed on progress so that you can see for yourself whether
it's worth focusing on Twitter yourself.

In the meantime, if you just want to get started right now,
there's a terrific new toolkit from Kevin Riley that includes
just about EVERYTHING you need for a successful assault on

You can check it out (and see the video), here:

Okay, that's it for now. Happy Tweeting! (Or grumpy and
reluctant Tweeting even.)

All the best,


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